Washington Examiner op-ed page has the
story (with some considered opinion):
Democrats were able to take their share of the news cycle not merely by nominating scandal-plagued Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., to run for reelection, but by picking perhaps the absolute most appropriate image they could in this political climate: a target. Have a look.

Looks like the Democrats just gave themselves a “D.” Which some may feel is generous. Is the circle around it supposed to be more Obama iconography?
This follows on the heels of whispers that Democratic National Committee chairman Tim Kaine would have a major announcement today. Here’s CNN in full scoop mode:
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine plans to make what’s being billed as a major announcement Wednesday about the future of the party, according to a Democratic source with knowledge of the speech.
The source tells CNN that Kaine will announce something that will excite Democrats across the country. Kaine’s event comes as Democrats face the difficult task of holding onto their majorities in the House and Senate this November.
The speech, scheduled for Wednesday afternoon at George Washington University, happens around the same time that Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele kicks of a major bus tour in support of Republicans running in the midterm elections. But the source says that the timing of Kaine event was in the works well before the date of Steele’s kickoff was announced.
Congrats, CNN. You helped get earned media for the unveiling of a marketing campaign of a floundering but dominant political party. But wait! Tim Kaine says it’s no mere marketing campaign. From the announcement blogpost:
Some may think: it’s just a logo—it’s just a brand. Well I don’t believe the Democratic Party is a logo or a brand—we are much more than that. We are Democrats. We create change that matters. Ours is a party of ideas and ideals, of policies and people, history and purpose. So call it what you will—this new identity for our party captures the spirit that unites us all. Democrats—all of us—are working for the change that matters.
It’s true though. Democrats are making change that matters. They’ve managed to energize the Tea Party movement to do such things that even Christine O’Donnell was able to raise $500,000 in one day; Republican nominee Sharron Angle is actually neck-and-neck with the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev; Sarah Palin has been stunningly on target with her endorsements of candidates; and Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., is looking more and more like a kingmaker.
Great job guys. And nice logo. It’s the worst recession of many people’s lifetimes and the Democrats are actually doodling.
Be sure to check out the best comments on the post, by the way, which likely won’t long survive:
* “Uhhhh – BWHAHAHAHA! The Repubs are EATING YOUR LUNCH. And you’re redesigning your LOGO!? Why not just hand them the keys?
* Oh yeah. A nice “It’s All Bush’s Fault!” should go along with this logo. Brilliant!
* Looks like a copyright symbol with a typo.
* “Change that Matters”? You mean CHANGE THE SUBJECT?
This "circle the wagons" Dem unifier -- not so much: it looks like a big "Zero" or a graphic representation of Obama (the big "O") being bigger than his own party (while Democrats who want to win reelection are running away from his policies).
Simple graphic possibility for a Republican "makeover" (like adding crosshairs)? Diagonal red line across the circle (i.e., "NO Democrats"), red line through "Democrats" and "Change That Matters [add] = Vote Republican November 2nd."