Thursday, July 14, 2005


Let's see, 19 hijackers fly four passenger airliners into buildings (or into a field after a fight with passengers to keep them from their target) killing and injuring thousands and destroying multistory buildings and causing millions of dollars of property damage. Authorities capture the 20th hijacker, and demean him and make him wear girls underwear during interrogations. Hmm. Q Is this inhuman treatment? A Of course. The hijackers are fanatically violent killers. Oh, you mean the detainee -- the 20th hijacker. Nope. Turns out he provided key intelligence. Probably saved lives. And he wasn't even tortured.

Thousands dead and injured. Women's underwear.

The real outrage is not Gitmo, but that many in the West have taken up the cause of terrorist's rights. Losing a sense of proportionality here, are we? What's impressive in the aftermath of the carnage of 9/11 is that there have been no substantiated reports of real torture by American interrogators or guards of their captives. See my previous post below. (Update: a later report says 18 children were killed by a suicide bomber while American servicemen gave them candy, 17 of them under age 13). We cannot expect the same from our enemies.

In a clash between civilizations, free market democracy on one hand and the death cult of islamofascism on the other, who has the moral high ground? Hmm. No brainer.

Thus, is it morally wrong to proclaim: "Death to terrorists"? Isn't that the really democratic thing to say?


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