Monday, February 12, 2007

Gunman kills 5 at Trolley Square in SLC, 4 wounded, 3 critically

Shotgun-wielding young man in trench coat opened fire at a popular shopping mall. Hundreds traumatized. Gunman killed.


UPDATE: Off-duty Ogden police officer is first to engage shooter, 18 year-old Bosnian refugee, and he and other officers kill him within six minutes of first 911 call. Names of the victims are also released. Read about it here.

UPDATE: For a recent photo of the shooter, Sulejmen Talovic, click here. His family has no idea why he did what he did, and wants to remind everyone that just because they are Muslim doesn't mean they are terrorists. I agree. There should be no guilt by association here. But regardless of their ethnicity or religion, and regardless of Sulejmen's own motivation, what he did Monday night can only fairly be classified as a terrorist act.


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